The unfortunate event of our President’s loss, made all of us sad but also responsible to honor his memory and continue to work for ISLD. In the online EXBO Board meeting of 23 November 2021 and according to our bylaws, the vacant place of the board has been covered by Dr. Youssed Sedky. The EXCO board voted unanimously for Dr. Sedky. The current form of the board is:
Prof. Adam Stabholz * President in Charge
Prof. Marcia Marques * Vice-President in Charge
Dr. Dimitris Strakas * Secretary General
Dr. Stefan Gruemer * Treasurer
Prof. Georgi Tomov * Member
Dr. Sharonit Sahar Helft * Member
Dr. Youssef Sedky * Member
Leon Vanweersch & Dimitris Strakas
Organization Board
(Congresses and Public Relations)
The current board has already started the necessary steps as described in our bylaws, for the upcoming general assembly in Cairo 2022